- Title:
Almelose Aa brook recovery photo 1
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2009
The Aa flows straight through the city and connects the eastern and western green lungs. In its current state, the Aa has a subordinate role within the city. The Aa’s main qualities of being a sustainable waterway, a recreational passageway, and a structuring element are not being utilized enough. After deliberation with the Waterschap and the municipality, a new plan was proposed for the Aa. The banks of the Aa are to be moved to the height of the Willem de Clercqstreet in 2010. Furthermore, a path is going to be made along the waterline.
- Title:
Almelose Aa brook recovery photo 1
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2009
The Aa’s left side will be partially lowered to the level of the park near the Willem de Clercqstreet. The new path is shown by the dark blue line. The two black lines represent the old path of the Aa. Along the new path, water-surplus zones are created, shown in light blue on the map. A pedestrian pathway (called the water path) crosses the Aa in this area.
- Title:
Almelose Aa brook recovery photo 2
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2009
Picture of the plan right after implementation.
- Title:
Almelose Aa brook recovery photo 4
waterschap vechtstromen
Year: 2009
- Title:
Almelose Aa brook recovery photo 5
waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2009
In this crossing a new pedestrian bridge is to be built, with the name of the river etched into the railings.
landscaping design
- Category 'landscape':