- Title:
Roombrook Technical University Enschede photo 1
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2010
Within the framework of water management, it’s crucial to restore the Roombeek brook. Currently, the current streams out towards a pond on the Technische Universiteit Twente campus and is then guided around the campus through a pipe. Above, a new route has been sketched. This route runs through the central fields of UT, continues past the garden of the main building, then past the edge of the forest, before it finally flows into the pond at the edge of the campus.
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Roombrook Technical University Enschede photo 2
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2010
The current of the Roombeek is weak and the brook is never wider than 50cm. Since the new route deepens the brook in comparison with the land around it, it’s crucial that its banks have a shallow slope leading to the brook. The banks have to be maintained regularly, which means the grass has to be cut at least twice yearly.
- Title:
Brook park Roombeek Technical University Enschede photo 3
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2010
The Roombeek flows through the garden of the UT’s main building. This provides a perfect opportunity to combine garden and water. One part of the garden is going to be deepened, to create a marshy flat area.
- Title:
Roombrook Technical University Enschede photo 4
Waterschap vechtstromen
Year: 2010
Herein, reeds and marsh flowers are to be planted. The Roombeek meanders through the marshes. The natural height fluctuations of the marsh allow for a large variety of biotope.
- Title:
Roombrook Technical University Enschede photo 5
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2010
In the brook garden, the predominant theme is one of contrasts. The dry slopes will be populated by Tussock grass with some Dark Mullein plants and red Garden Angelica plants thrown in. The swampy flat areas contain reeds and are dotted by marsh flowers and yellow iris flowers.
- Title:
Roombrook Technical University Enschede photo 6
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2010
In the brook garden, the predominant theme is one of contrasts. The dry slopes will be populated by Tussock grass with some Dark Mullein plants and red Garden Angelica plants thrown in. The swampy flat areas contain reeds and are dotted by marsh flowers and yellow iris flowers.
- Title:
Roombrook Technical University Enschede photo 7
Waterschap vechtstromen
Year: 2010
Start of the brook park.
- Title:
Roombrook Technical University Enschede photo 8
Waterschap vechtstromen
Year: 2010
Park just after construction in spring.
- Title:
Roombrook Technical University Enschede photo 9
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2010
Looking though the gap in the wall to the natural brook.
landscaping design
- Category 'landscape':