- Title:
Boven Regge brook recovery photo 1
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2009
The new path of the upper Regge is going to cross, where possible, the lowest point in the landscape. This means that, for the most part, the river is going to follow the original path it took in 1900. The future upper Regge won’t have a completely natural flow, because the watermark has to be regulated for the sake of local industry. The meanders of the river have been adapted to fit in with the current landscape. The Regge has an average profile of 2x25 meters, and combines steep banks with easily overflowing shallow banks.
- Title:
Boven Regge brook recovery photo 2
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2009
De Regge is an important drainage river that drains the South-West Twente basin and washes out in Vecht, near Ommen. The redevelopment plan concerns the flow in the higher part of the river. The plan, formulated by Waterschap Regge en Dinkel and supported by the Dienst Landelijk Gebied, is to reintroduce the meander to the Regge. This meander would bring a serpentine shape to the river.
- Title:
Boven Regge brook recovery photo 3
Waterschap vechtstromen
Year: 2009
In the plantation area lies a historical shallow river-crossing area, the ‘Theemker’. In order to redevelop the area, research has to be carried out about the frequency that the bike path is to be used, and the water dynamics of the area. Currently there are two proposals. One of these can be viewed on the website.
landscaping design
- Category 'landscape':