- Title:
Lateraalchannel nature friendly banks photo 1
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2008
A significant part of the urban drainage of Twente is drained through the Lateral channel. During heavy rain large peaks quickly drains on in the channel. Although the discharge capacity is large enough, the flow rate in these situations rose strongly. This has resulted in erosion of the banks. By the Water Board a plan is to widen the banks so that the water flow streams regular and let the banks intact.
- Title:
Lateraalchannel nature friendly banks photo 2
Waterschap vechtstromen
Year: 2008
With this adjustment the target for ecological banks is also filled in. The area is located north of the channel Almelo-Nordhorn and flowing to the weir of the Ootmarsumse street. The natural flow conditions of the channel is the starting point of the design. The outside turns on an embankment slope will be 1:2 and the inner slopes get 1:5
- Title:
Lateraalchannel nature friendly banks photo 3
Waterschap Vechtstromen
Year: 2008
Canoe gutter at the weir on the Ootmarsumsestreet in Almelo
- Title:
Lateraalchannel nature friendly banks photo 4
Waterschap vechtstromen
Year: 2008
Walking bridge at the mouth of the Margraven brook At the Lateraal channel
landscaping design
- Category 'landscape':