- Title:
Stadsblokken Arnhem photo 1
Year: 2005
In response to earlier initial plans Maaike Vellinga and Rob Voerman have developed an alternative master plan for city blocks: the Rhine flood plain area between the two bridges. This plan is made on their own initiative and is separate from the plans of the municipality of Arnhem.
- Title:
Stadsblokken Arnhem photo 2
Year: 2005
The plan may give more allure in this area. On the banks of the Rhine appears opposite the Centre of Arnhem a hotel/annex restaurant. A controversial building, half in the water, which should be given the same allure as Hotel New York in Rotterdam. A ferry will connect the hotel and the rest of the area with the town.
- Title:
Stadsblokken Arnhem photo 3
Year: 2005
The plan includes a new modern art museum, an underground car park, a multiplex cinema (Pathe in the slope of the Nelson Mandela bridge. All these functions are United in a controversial and futuristic complex, that extend the value of this bridge head.
landscaping design
- Category 'landscape':