- Title:
Watergarden Yellow Wine Brewery photo 1
Paques Shanghai
Year: 2014
Rice is a crop which gives us energy (energy = the ability to give light, heat or movement). The process to make Yellow wine from rice chances the sequences of rice into another product. It’s like making a piece of music. To change the harmony a melody is created. In this water garden I wanted to uses this symbolic music harmonies. Two elegant steel rice artworks symbolize the different sequences to make Yellow wine.
- Title:
Watergarden Yellow Wine Brewery photo 2
Paques Shanghai
Year: 2014
The fence exist out of concrete Chladnipatterns (in 1787 Ernst Chladni put fine sand on a square flat and let that vibrate. In doing so, he discovered that certain notes gave different patterns in the sand on the square flat). The different patterns in the water garden give dept and an interesting play of shadow and light.
- Title:
Watergarden Yellow Wine Brewery
Paques Shanghai
Year: 2014
For the new yellow wine brewery this watergarden concept is made. The purpose is to make the effluent (from the sewer treatment of the brewery) biological again and at the same time use the effluent to grow rice for the yellow wine. The concept is to make a sustainable circle. Rice is a crop which gives us energy (energy = the ability to give light, heat or movement). The process to make Yellow wine from rice chances the sequences of rice into another product. It’s like making a piece of music. To change the harmony a melody is created. In this water garden I wanted to uses this symbolic music harmonies. Two elegant steel rice artworks symbolize the different sequences to make Yellow wine.
- Title:
Watergarden Yellow Wine Brewery photo 4
Paques Shanghai
Year: 2014
A constructed wetland is in fact a sand filter, planted with reed. Reed has proved to be very resistant against heavy or changing (chemical) loads. Besides, the roots grow quite deep. The wetlands work like this the effluent wast water joins in the pump sump. From there, by means of a pump, of course, the wetland will be irrigated some two times per day, at only a couple of minutes per time.
- Title:
Watergarden Yellow Wine Brewery photo 5
Paques Shanghai
Year: 2014
The outlet of the wetland leads to a control sump from where the quality of the water can be judged, visually or by means of chemical analyses. From there it flows to the second ecofyt wetland field.At the end of the second wetlandfield te water, is clear and odourless, could well be used for the watergarden that lays beside the ecofyt system.The functioning of constructed wetlands is mainly based on the activities of bacteria in the substrate.
- Title:
Watergarden Yellow Wine Brewery photo 6
Paques Shanghai
Year: 2014
Especially around the roots of the reed-plants, vast amounts of bacteria develop in a short stretch of time. These break down the pollution in the water very effectively. Their growth around the rhizomes is stimulated by the reed-plants, because of the oxygen they derive from the air and transport to the roots like a kind of “snorkels”. At some distance from the roots, the soil is anaerobic. There, different kind of bacteria live, species that do not need oxygen. It’s this unique combination of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria living really close to each other that make constructed wetlands so highly efficient in purifying.
- Title:
Watergarden Yellow Wine Brewery photo 7
Paques Shanghai
Year: 2014
landscaping design
- Category 'landscape':