- Title:
Workshop Wouda pumpingstation photo 1
Wetterskip fryslân
Year: 2012
The IR. d.f. Woudagemaal at Lemmer in the province of Friesland is on 5 december 1998 indicated as UNESCO World Heritage site. Not only the buildings of the pumping station but also the man-made landscape, consisting or man-made water courses and small adjoining polders fall under the protection of the site. The goal of this workshop is to provide inspired ideas for Wetterskip Fryslân, the goverment Lemsterland and the province of Fryslân in future developments affecting the Wouda pumping station.
- Title:
Workshop Wouda pumpingstation photo 2
Wetterskip fryslân
Year: 2012
Some of these developments are the growing parking problem at the new visitor centre, the desire of a mini camping for the family Schokker and the desire for a clear entrance and routing to the information centre. In the spring of 2012 all interested parties are invited to generate ideas. The outcome is this conceptplan.
- Title:
Workshop Wouda pumpingstation photo 3
Wetterskip Fryslân
Year: 2012
Proposal for a parkingplace near the visitors centre.
- Title:
Workshop Wouda pumpingstation photo 4
Wetterskip Fryslân
Year: 2012
For the family Schokker an alternative camping place is introduced. 15 cabbins in the form the machinery of the steam pumping station provide luxury camping places.
- Title:
Workshop Wouda pumpingstation photo 5
Wetterskip Fryslân
Year: 2012
Sleeping in the Steaming pipe, from outside coated steel inside lined with plywood. The cabins are 6 x 4 meters. At the front of the cabin are four bunk beds. In the back of the cabin is the lounge area with a 6 person table, a fireplace and a small kitchen.
- Title:
Workshop Wouda pumpingstation photo 6
Wetterskip Fryslân
Year: 2012
The large table can be converted to a large double bed in the evening. The transit pipe, is a tree house for a couple, there is a small room/kitchen. The room offers wonderful views on the Wouda pumping station.
landscaping design
- Category 'landscape':